Earth Architecture Designs
Low-Water Landscape Design
for Your Home
Would you like the outdoor living space of your dreams, but you're not sure where to start?

Remote Services Designed to Fit Your Busy Schedule:

* An initial video meeting to gather information about how you envision your outdoor spaces.

* We will use photographs and outdoor measurements to create your design. 

* We have long-established relationships with local contractors and nurseries to bring your design to life.

Our specialty is low-water landscape design in San Diego County's diverse microclimates. 

We will design an outdoor living space that:

* reflects your personal style.

* has a low-water landscape. 

* is a home retreat for you to enjoy with family and friends.

A landscape design (PDF format) that reflects your unique style and maximizes the use of your outdoor living spaces. 

Relationships with local contractors to ensure  proper installation of your landscape design.

 Video consultations to discuss your landscape design needs and translate your vision into tangible steps. 

Remote Services

Video Consultations

Landcape Design Plans (PDF)

Relationships with local contractors and nurseries